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CEF Online

CEF Online

Shaping characters, inspiring futures

A holistic character-building program for youth that cultivates resilience, nurture values, and develop tomorrow’s leaders for a world of boundless possibilities!














































explore cef

Character Education Foundation, a platform dedicated to sculpting character, igniting potential, and shaping resilient leaders through our comprehensive character development programs. Embracing the transformative power of values – where collaboration, excellence, innovation, transparency and a sense of responsibility converge to strive for a welfare society through character building of our future generations under the guidance of Quran and Sunnah.

Quran & Sunnah Education

Designed to facilitate accelerated learning of the Holy Quran using phonics, TPI (Total Physical Interaction), stories, poems, vocabulary method and interactive activities.

Character Building Education

Nurtures the cultivation of 25 attributes within an individual’s character, with primary components encompassing values, habits, self-development, skills and responsibilities.

Community Development Education

Fosters the development of an individual’s character that effectively contributes to society across three distinct segments including education, health, and economic empowerment.

Our Approach

Character Education Foundation produces research based impactful books, resource materials, and specialized programs. Further, CEF collaborates with schools, colleges, universities, communities, and organizations to integrate character education through materials to educators, parents, and stakeholders across educational institutions, including our own training institutes, aiming to cultivate individuals with strong moral and ethical foundations.


  • Quran & Sunnah Education 
  • Character Building Education
  • Community Development Education


  • CE Academies
    (shaping future mentors)
  • CE Center
    (empowering urban families)
  • CE Home
    (empowering rural families)

Volunteer Networks

  • CE Teachers Council
    (shaping future mentors)
  • CE Students Society
    (nurturing future leaders)
  • CE Women Forum
    (empowering change makers)

Milestones Accomplished




Educational Institutions


Students annually through our courses


Training workshops





Unlock Endless rewards both
herein and hereafter.

Specific Donation

  • Quran & Sunnah Education
  • Character Building Education
  • Community Development Education

General Donation

Reap rewards by investing in
our future – our youth

Join Us

In the persuit of a world where character is not just taught but lived